
 Peter7  M-33  The Bigger Lie

Greetings all.  

It's good to be back.

I've been distracted by my finance related writing, much of which has consisted of volunteer contributions to a discussion group called The Arena.  Unfortunately, the sponsors suspended operations a few weeks ago, leaving hundreds of followers high and dry with no warning or opportunity to backup the data. 

A tough lesson!

At the instigation of those orphaned Arena subscribers (who met me as Peter7), I've opened a thread using Telegram primarily as an index and repository for the instructional videos people had come to appreciate.  

Others pushed for a YouTube channel instead, so I've done that as well, though I personally attend more faithfully to the Telegram group now, because it has already spawned several sub-topics in just its first few weeks.

For those of you who follow my eclectic postings here in Nunaview, I apologize profusely for neglecting it for so long and would like to make up for it both by resuming its currency and also by providing links to the new Telegram  and  YouTube  channels in case you are interested. 

Those series concern M-33, a personal financial trading process, and a broader historical theme titled  The Bigger Lie, which is more along the nonconformist lines you'd expect from me. 😉

I'll leave it at that for now and return here in the coming days to resume the essays that constitute Nunaview proper and renew your good company, something I've missed through the turbulent goings-on of the last few of years.

Best Regards,



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