
Nunaview 2023 - Investment Conference

I have an idea for a global investment conference.

How about we mount a Virtual Zoomsters’ Conference in Connect e-Cloud next time the world's fancy pants billionaires are off flashing their bling in Davos or Zurich?

We could invite Danilo, Daniella and Chris, the smartest investors I know on three continents, with a keynote address by the 2023 Colombian Cigar Queen, all on condition they keep their speeches to under 140 characters.

The breakout sessions would consist of 30 seconds each of absolute silence during which we all sit and stare at each other while desperately trying to keep from bursting out laughing.

Price of admission would be 7 Satoshis sent to a Nul Bucket address that nobody could ever collect, not even E-long-muck, sort of like those trinket trophies we put on one-way deep space probes in case they encounter extra terrestrial life.

The conference would conclude with a rousing standing ovation, with all microphones muted . . . except for the Colombian Cigar Queen’s, who would thus be crowned our honorary Miss Mundo-2023, a sort of thoroughly back tested Implied Volatility score, since by then it would already be 2024.

 What was the old ASCII character version of today's 'rolling-eyes'  emoticon?

Social Trend versus Financial Trade - Forex Shenanigans

Can we tolerate a bit of crypto musing today?

Bitcoin's distributed and decentralised design stands in pretty stark contrast to traditional power structures. 

Consider the gaming industry.

Massively centralized games can slip surreptitious misinformation and propaganda presuppositions to entire populations, or generations, and do it more subliminally than any dozen Trump-deau-ian election conspiracies or Goebbelian propaganda regimes.

Yet (a) central bank interest rate hikes continuing after economic deceleration has already begun, (b) Biden's shooting down a few Chinese drone balloons and (c) Liz Warren's fretting about Chinese components in G5 networks, look a lot like falling for Cold War diversion tactics. Somebody is afraid we plebians might notice the actual war has already morphed from mere Surveillance Economy into fully-meshed Subliminal Influence wars.

Like the old Shakespearean adage, “Methinks he doth protest too much”, Bitcoin protocol’s ability to sidestep hegemony makes the ferocity of attacks by the Jim Jordan - Peter Schiff - Liz Warren - CBDC (central bank digital currency) cabals look an awful lot like fear to me. 

Far from labelling BTC a mere financial Ponzi scheme, their behaviour smacks of a rather desperate attempt to disguise their panic.

Beginning with the earliest days of Phil Zimmerman releasing PGP into the public domain in anticipation of pending US arms trafficking export controls and continuing until Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin white paper, 'crypto' today is actually in the process of exposing, not hiding, the manipulation and corruption at the heart of contemporary government and finance. 

The ‘friction’ in the Bitcoin execution stack lies not within the BTC protocol itself, but rather in global banking’s massive collusion against processing any Crypto/Fiat FX pairs.

So, you tell me. What is the best process that allows us to trade or invest long transparency and short hegemony?


Has It Been This Long?

I'm embarrassed. 

First by how long I have ignored this channel.

Secondly by some pretty silly posts going back to March 27 2010.  

Exactly thirteen (13) years ago.

For today, just to let any remaining followers know, I will start afresh over the coming days.
